Kyiv, st. Ivana Kavaleridze, 1a

Self-service checkout
Ready meals
Fresh fish
Home goods

Supermarket Novus operates in Kiev, at the address: Ivan Kavaleridze Street, 1a, where a large selection of products at affordable prices. Also for those who have too tight schedule, it is offered to make shopping online. Use a modern device with Internet access, and you can buy quality goods on favorable terms.

The network is popular due to its advantages that so attract regular buyers:

variety of choices;

technical support;

regular discounts and promotions;

fresh farm and organic products;

order transportation.

Residents of the capital can order courier delivery and receive their purchases at the specified time and place. And if you want to save money, share the promo code with your friends and get free delivery from the company. Form your virtual cart on our website and buy goods from the best manufacturers!