1. The process of making the order and document flow in the case of non-cash settlements:

Cashless payment is possible only with those Clients with whom the Commission Agreement has been concluded. The agreement is concluded with each Client once. According to this Agreement, the Client pays the full cost of the ordered goods and the cost of services under the Agreement in one payment to the account of “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC.

The conclusion of the Commission Agreement is made by joining the Client (legal entity, natural person-entrepreneur) to the Commission agreement proposed by “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC (hereinafter - the Commission Agreement) in accordance with Art. 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

To join the Commission Agreement, Statement of accession shall be filled in with the data from the registration documents of the Client and submitted to “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC in one of the following ways:

(1) to sign and send the Statement of accession by means of VCHASNO or M.E.Doc electronic document management service, using electronic digital signature, (counterparty data: Zakaz Ukraine LLC, EDRPOU 41276064, e-mail a.kabanets@zakaz.ua). The Statement of accession with the signature of "Zakaz Ukraine" LLC on its acceptance will be returned to you in the electronic document management service you have chosen;
(2) to print the Statement of accession in two copies, sign by the authorized person of the Client and seal (if used). The copy of signed Statement of accession to the terms of the Commission Agreement shall be sent to the electronic address fin@zakaz.ua. Two original counterparts of the Statement of accession shall be sent to the postal address of “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC (01103, Kyiv, Zaliznychne Shosse Street, building 2-A, 4th floor) or transferred in another way convenient for the Client. The second copy of the Statement of accession marked by “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC on its receipt will be returned to the Client's address or transferred to the Client's personally authorized representative.

The commission agreement concluded in the form of accession is considered to be concluded as from the date of receipt by “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC of the Statement of accession, signed by the authorized representative of the Client and sealed (if used).

Orders under the Commission Agreement shall be executed by the Client (its authorized representative) through the interface of the web-site using the login (mobile phone number or e-mail) specified in the Statement of accession.

2. Be sure to mark "cashless payment" on the ordering page!

3. After placing an order on the website, a PDF file with an invoice will be formed and sent to the Client, according to which the Client pays for his order.

4. The Client shall make payment according to the invoice. For the purpose of payment to the Client it is necessary to specify the following:
"Services in accordance with Order No__ dated ______ to the Commission Agreement No__ dated _____".

After receiving the payment, the order will be collected and processed through the cashier. The Report-Act shall be sent to the client in the PDF file.

4.1. If the value of the purchased goods is less than that the one paid by the Client according to the invoice, the difference may be returned to the Client's account (Client shall send a letter requesting the return of erroneously transferred funds), or the amount of this difference may reduce the cost of one of the future deliveries.

5. Together with the order the courier delivers to the Client a copy of the fiscal check from the Seller, the original invoice, as well as the Report-Act signed by “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC and the second copy of the Statement of accession marked by “Zakaz Ukraine” LLC on its receipt in the case of its formation in paper form (at the first order). In its turn, the Client must submit to the courier pre-printed and signed by him the Report-Act and the Statement of accession in the case of its formation in paper form.

6. The tax invoice will be available through M.E.Doc according to the terms stipulated by the tax legislation.

BE AWARE! In case of receiving an order on self-pickup conditions in the selected store, you will need to present a passport and a power of attorney.

Please note that soon the legal entity and details for which we work for non-cash payment will be changed. For continuous work and to avoid pauses in the supply of products, please sign the Application for accession to the terms of the commission agreement with ZAKAZ.UA LLC  in advance.

It is possible to sign a commission agreement with ZAKAZ.UA LLC in the same ways as with ZAKAZ UKRAINE LLC. The counterparty's data for signing the Application to join the terms of the contract in electronic form are as follows: "ZAKAZ.UA" LLC, identification number 43890867, e-mail a.kabanets@zakaz.ua.

If you have never worked with us in a non-cash form of payment, please sign two Application for joining: to the commission agreement with ZAKAZ.UA LLC and to the commission agreement with ZAKAZ UKRAINE LLC.

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